CCTV Speed Dome Analog Indoor 600 TVL 10x Zoom ARVIO-MPTZ1060S
CCTV Speed Dome Pan Tilt Zoom ini sangat cocok untuk pemasangan indoor seperti di ruang kantor, tempat ibadah, ruang meeting dsb.
Model No : ARVIO-MPTZ1060S
Fitur Produk :
- 10x Optical Zoom
- SONY CCD Chipset Original
- 600 TVL High Resolution (more clear and sharp)
- Indoor Model
- Rotation 360°continuous rotation,horizontal :50°/s ,Vertical :30°/s
- Pan 360 degree, Tilt 94 degree, Zoom 10x Optical
- Infra Red Distance up to 40-50 meters.
- Baud Rate 2400, 9600 etc
- Platform supports Pelco P, Pelco D, etc